Manuela Gastal


Formada em design de moda pela Universidade Fumec em Belo Horizonte, fiz uma especialização em Engenharia de Produção na UFRGS em Porto Alegre. Depois resolvi passar mais um tempo no exterior e fui para Salamanca/Espanha, onde fiz um Máster em Administración y Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural, porém acabei direcionando minha carreira para a área de design visual quando fiz o mestrado em Design e Cultura Visual no IADE/Universidade Europeia em Lisboa. Hoje continuo na mesma linha investigativa, porém agora como doutoranda em Design pela mesma instituição.

Além disso, atuo como professora convidada em cursos de graduação e pós na área de design visual e moda.

Curiosa e movida a desafios estou sempre em busca de novidades. Acredito que o nosso entorno pode ser um lugar muito inspirador, por esta razão busco estar sempre atenta a tudo que me rodeia.

Design Research Interests:

Visual Design, Fashion Design – costume for Theater and Dance, Service Design, Design Thinking. Intersection between design and cultural industry: like dance companies, theaters, development and management of fashion and design exhibitions held at museums or galleries.


Cultural institutes, creative & strategic consultancies, government agencies (for cultural and visual matters), industrial companies (service design and design thinking), arts organizations private or public.


Universities, where I can work as a professor and a researcher


One of the biggest challenges in all industries is competition, there are way too many options of attractions that consumers spend their free time on it. In the other hand, the consumers (people in general) feel that they don’t have time to spend on activities other than work, so we as designers have to feel this gap, creating amusing experiences that have to create this sensation of fulfillment that consumers needed in order to survive in this post-modern environment.

Field of studies:

Service Designer based in São Paulo Brazil, I’ve graduated in Fashion Design in 2012, since then I’ve been focusing my career in research and investigation in many fields, such as visual design, the main subject of my latest Master Degree. Fashion design. Design and Fashion Exhibitions.

Professional experience:

– Service designer at Livework Studio – São Paulo since march of 2018.

– Visiting professor at the Dance Graduation at Universidade de Lisboa since 2017.

– Member of board directors and design chief at BuenaIdea Consultoria em Educação, Design e Saúde since 2016.

– Internship at the National Museum of Costume in Lisbon/Portugal in 2015.

– Substitute teacher for the disciplines Textile Technology I and II and Fashion Management at the Technical Fashion Course at IFSul – Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul – Campus CAVG at Pelotas/RS. Brasil. 2012 /13.

– Visiting professor for the discipline of Design Products and Services on the Post Graduation Program in Fashion Management at Senac (Serviço de Aprendizagem Industrial) at Pelotas /RS. Brasil 2012.

-Costumes design creator  for the presentation of the children’s musical play Mandinho at the grand opening ceremony of ISME – International Society for Music Education held in Porto Alegre/RS. Brasil. 2014.